Croatian Winemakers: Krešić Cellars, a Sports and Wine Story from the Danube Coastline

“The first serious money Dario earned he spent in vineyards, equipment and winery building, and he could have spent it on luxury.” I planned a visit to Krešić Cellars since the end of March when I was in Ilok for a wine tourism conference organised by the G.E.T. table couture association. I was impressed that the winery is located right […]

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Croatian Winemakers: Brzica Winery in Erdut

Along with the wine growing and winemaking story, the Brzica family are developing a tourism story, winning in 2015 the Sunflower of Rural Tourism award as the best family estate in wine tourism The Erdut wine region is known for its unique manifestation Erdut Wine&Bike – a cycling race characterised by the search for hidden bottles in the vineyard. So […]

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